Looking for real estate continuing education courses in California? 超过一百万的经纪人和经纪人选择联合学校参加他们的房地产继续教育课程. 推荐十大正规竞彩平台的加州继续教育课程专注于提高你的底线,这样你就可以回到你最擅长的事情上——帮助你的客户和完成房地产交易.
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Although first impressions are very important when dealing with the public, 你的职业态度和道德行为可能意味着成功销售和需要新的工作之间的区别.
Keeping ethics at the forefront of everyday practices is an ongoing process. It is much easier to talk about ethics than it is to consistently follow ethical principles. However, every licensed broker and salesperson knows that without the trust created by consistent ethical behavior, 生意将会枯竭.
When a person hires another to act on his or her behalf, an agency relationship is created. 代理是委托人委托代理人作为委托人与第三方打交道的代理人的一种法律关系.
The simplest agency relationship involves three parties—the principal, the agent, 以及第三人或实体. 代理是房地产交易的重要组成部分,因为买卖房地产的复杂性和处理不当这些交易的潜在破坏性后果. 外行人通常没有足够的知识和信心在没有帮助的情况下处理这些交易. Therefore, real estate brokers—usually as agents of the sellers—step in.
代理是一个有自己独特法律体系的领域. Special and specific duties are owed by the agent to the principal and vice versa. Because legal ramifications attach to the principal for the decisions and actions the agent makes, 有很多危险区域需要警惕. This unit examines the law of agency and its legal effect on real estate licensees.
Trust Fund Handling
This course will take you through all the subjects mandated by the California Department of Real Estate, 并包括在房地产交易中接收和处理信托资金的法律规定(如《推荐十大正规竞彩平台》和《推荐十大正规竞彩平台》所述)的说明。, 维持信托基金帐户的必要条件, 以及信托基金的记录保存要求.
Risk Management
A 3-hour continuing education course which covers how disciplinary actions, disputes, mediation, arbitration, 如果房地产专业人士在日常工作中限制风险并管理风险,就可以避免诉讼.
每个想要购买或租赁房地产的人都希望他或她在交易中得到道德和公平的对待. Hopefully, the person’s prospective purchase or rental will be based on objective factors such as income and credit, 而不是种族或性别等主观因素. To protect prospective buyers or renters from illegal discrimination in obtaining housing, both state and federal law require those who work in the real estate business, 包括金融等相关行业, to make decisions based only on a buyer’s objective fitness to enter into a real estate agreement. 房地产许可证持有人必须在许多联邦和州公平住房法的指导方针内执业. They should never consider violating a person’s rights to buy, sell, rent, or lease real property.
每个人似乎都在谈论隐性偏见和多样性. Implicit bias is the attitudes or stereotypes that affect an individual’s understanding, actions, 并以无意识的方式做出决定. Businesses offer training on it, politicians support it, the media extols it. 但究竟什么是隐性偏见和多样性? Unfortunately, some real estate agents let their biases get in the way of working with people from diverse cultures. However, 成功的被许可人意识到,与来自不同文化背景的人合作可以创造商业机会,也可能创造人际关系.
Biases, preferences, attitudes, stereotypes, 偏见都是心理构念的例子. 心理构念是指能够影响一个人对个人或群体的行为和感受的心理联想. 如果这个人没有意识到这些心理联系, the biases, preferences, attitudes, stereotypes, 或者说偏见是隐性的.
有偏见或先入为主的感觉是正常的人类行为. 每个人都有这样或那样的偏见. 有不同的好恶是可以的. 偏见是无害的,只要它们是关于不重要的事情, like preferring Pepsi over Coke (or vice-versa for you Coke lovers). 但是当推荐十大正规竞彩平台对别人有偏见时, 然后以非法歧视的方式对这些偏见采取行动, 推荐十大正规竞彩平台制造了各种各样的问题.
In 1066, William of Normandy crossed the English Channel and defeated a Saxon army in the Battle of Hastings; thereafter, 被称为征服者威廉. 作为英国国王威廉一世, 他引进了土地持有制度, 俗称封建制度, which is the basis for real property law in both England and the United States today.
When considering the various legal relationships to land that are based on this English heritage, 在开始时定义一些术语是有帮助的. The broadest term, an interest, 包括各种权利中的任何一种, privileges, powers, 以及对任何财产的豁免, 包括不动产. 所有权利的总和, privileges, powers, 对某一特定财产的豁免是"完全所有权"或"完全财产
A 9-hour continuing education course which covers the appraisal process, 物业检查和销售比较方法.
A 9-hour continuing education course which covers the escrow process, escrow instructions, and opening escrow.
有时买家不知道他们想要什么, 或者他们认为他们知道自己想要什么, 但没有什么是完全正确的. This course will start with the importance of having buyers pre-approved for financing if they need it. 推荐十大正规竞彩平台将提供一些技术来帮助买家优先考虑他们想要在家里的东西,并调整他或她的标准购买策略,以适应不同买家的需求. 在总结一些重要的消费者偏好研究的同时,推荐十大正规竞彩平台将阐明房地产持牌人如何简化购房过程. 推荐十大正规竞彩平台知道每个买家都是不同的,本课程将深入了解事实,帮助买家发现他们真正想要的是什么.
本课程将探讨六个特定的主题领域:伦理, agency, fair housing, trust fund handling, risk management, and implicit bias. 国家和加州的具体法律和立法,每个主题领域将讨论和相关的房地产经纪人解释. The various ways in which an agency relationship may be established, 关系的类型, 并对代理协议的一些特点进行考察. 学生将被介绍到加州商业和职业守则的那些部分,处理道德实践以及商业和个人道德之间的差异. 负责执行公平住房的组织将受到审查,违规者可能面临一些处罚. The course will also discuss the proper procedures for opening and maintaining trust accounts. Students will explore what agents can do to assess the areas which present the highest risk to them, how to prepare for those risks and ways to shift risk to other professionals in the real estate industry. Finally, 将探讨内隐偏见的概念,并提供改善与不同社区互动的策略.
In 1066, William of Normandy crossed the English Channel and defeated a Saxon army in the Battle of Hastings; thereafter, 被称为征服者威廉. 作为英国国王威廉一世, 他引进了土地持有制度, 俗称封建制度, which is the basis for real property law in both England and the United States today.
When considering the various legal relationships to land that are based on this English heritage, 在开始时定义一些术语是有帮助的. The broadest term, an interest, 包括各种权利中的任何一种, privileges, powers, 以及对任何财产的豁免, 包括不动产. 所有权利的总和, privileges, powers, 对某一特定财产的豁免是"完全所有权"或"完全财产
The real estate market can be fiercely competitive, particularly in the state of California. 成为一名成功的房地产专业人士不仅仅取决于建立客户关系或完成销售. 你在这个行业的进步也依赖于不断吸收有关加利福尼亚房地产领域的新营销策略和发展投资趋势的知识. Learn more about these topics by taking our 加州11小时消费者保护投资课程. 本课程旨在为加州房地产专业人士提供11小时的必修课程材料. 本课程还提供了有关房地产投资问题的广泛信息,包括美国国税局关于§1031的规则和指南的摘要, 介绍如何与投资者客户合作, negotiations, 还有房产的成交, 也概述了购房者的信用评分.
A 9-hour continuing education course which covers the appraisal process, 物业检查和销售比较方法.
The real estate market can be fiercely competitive, particularly in the state of California. 成为一名成功的房地产专业人士不仅仅取决于建立客户关系或完成销售. 你在这个行业的进步也依赖于不断吸收与加州住宅房地产相关的商业实践知识. Learn more about these practices by taking our 7-Hour Elective Topics Course. Topics of this course include an introductory explanation of real estate financing options, 融资过程, and the laws and regulations that govern real estate financing transactions, 深入了解上市协议, 以及对受托责任的全面审查, 与房地产交易有关的风险, 以及最小化这些风险的最佳实践.
Second & 后续续订包
Second & 后续续订包
Although first impressions are very important when dealing with the public, 你的职业态度和道德行为可能意味着成功销售和需要新的工作之间的区别.
Keeping ethics at the forefront of everyday practices is an ongoing process. It is much easier to talk about ethics than it is to consistently follow ethical principles. However, every licensed broker and salesperson knows that without the trust created by consistent ethical behavior, 生意将会枯竭.
When a person hires another to act on his or her behalf, an agency relationship is created. 代理是委托人委托代理人作为委托人与第三方打交道的代理人的一种法律关系.
The simplest agency relationship involves three parties—the principal, the agent, 以及第三人或实体. 代理是房地产交易的重要组成部分,因为买卖房地产的复杂性和处理不当这些交易的潜在破坏性后果. 外行人通常没有足够的知识和信心在没有帮助的情况下处理这些交易. Therefore, real estate brokers—usually as agents of the sellers—step in.
代理是一个有自己独特法律体系的领域. Special and specific duties are owed by the agent to the principal and vice versa. Because legal ramifications attach to the principal for the decisions and actions the agent makes, 有很多危险区域需要警惕. This unit examines the law of agency and its legal effect on real estate licensees.
Trust Fund Handling
This course will take you through all the subjects mandated by the California Department of Real Estate, 并包括在房地产交易中接收和处理信托资金的法律规定(如《推荐十大正规竞彩平台》和《推荐十大正规竞彩平台》所述)的说明。, 维持信托基金帐户的必要条件, 以及信托基金的记录保存要求.
Risk Management
A 3-hour continuing education course which covers how disciplinary actions, disputes, mediation, arbitration, 如果房地产专业人士在日常工作中限制风险并管理风险,就可以避免诉讼.
This course is intended for brokers in California who act as supervising brokers. It examines the different tools a supervising broker needs to know to be an effective supervising broker, 包括信托会计, 披露和关系, 以及如何制定有效的政策和程序手册,既指导销售人员履行自己的义务,又教会他们如何在确保公众安全的同时有效地履行自己的工作. Completion of this course will help to ensure that you meet the 管理与监督 Requirement, 管理房地产办公室和监督房地产活动的三小时继续教育课程.
每个想要购买或租赁房地产的人都希望他或她在交易中得到道德和公平的对待. Hopefully, the person’s prospective purchase or rental will be based on objective factors such as income and credit, 而不是种族或性别等主观因素. To protect prospective buyers or renters from illegal discrimination in obtaining housing, both state and federal law require those who work in the real estate business, 包括金融等相关行业, to make decisions based only on a buyer’s objective fitness to enter into a real estate agreement. 房地产许可证持有人必须在许多联邦和州公平住房法的指导方针内执业. They should never consider violating a person’s rights to buy, sell, rent, or lease real property.
每个人似乎都在谈论隐性偏见和多样性. Implicit bias is the attitudes or stereotypes that affect an individual’s understanding, actions, 并以无意识的方式做出决定. Businesses offer training on it, politicians support it, the media extols it. 但究竟什么是隐性偏见和多样性? Unfortunately, some real estate agents let their biases get in the way of working with people from diverse cultures. However, 成功的被许可人意识到,与来自不同文化背景的人合作可以创造商业机会,也可能创造人际关系.
Biases, preferences, attitudes, stereotypes, 偏见都是心理构念的例子. 心理构念是指能够影响一个人对个人或群体的行为和感受的心理联想. 如果这个人没有意识到这些心理联系, the biases, preferences, attitudes, stereotypes, 或者说偏见是隐性的.
有偏见或先入为主的感觉是正常的人类行为. 每个人都有这样或那样的偏见. 有不同的好恶是可以的. 偏见是无害的,只要它们是关于不重要的事情, like preferring Pepsi over Coke (or vice-versa for you Coke lovers). 但是当推荐十大正规竞彩平台对别人有偏见时, 然后以非法歧视的方式对这些偏见采取行动, 推荐十大正规竞彩平台制造了各种各样的问题.
In 1066, William of Normandy crossed the English Channel and defeated a Saxon army in the Battle of Hastings; thereafter, 被称为征服者威廉. 作为英国国王威廉一世, 他引进了土地持有制度, 俗称封建制度, which is the basis for real property law in both England and the United States today.
When considering the various legal relationships to land that are based on this English heritage, 在开始时定义一些术语是有帮助的. The broadest term, an interest, 包括各种权利中的任何一种, privileges, powers, 以及对任何财产的豁免, 包括不动产. 所有权利的总和, privileges, powers, 对某一特定财产的豁免是"完全所有权"或"完全财产
A 9-hour continuing education course which covers the appraisal process, 物业检查和销售比较方法.
The real estate market can be fiercely competitive, particularly in the state of California. 成为一名成功的房地产专业人士不仅仅取决于建立客户关系或完成销售. 你在这个行业的进步也依赖于不断吸收与加州住宅房地产相关的商业实践知识. Learn more about these practices by taking our 7-Hour Elective Topics Course. Topics of this course include an introductory explanation of real estate financing options, 融资过程, and the laws and regulations that govern real estate financing transactions, 深入了解上市协议, 以及对受托责任的全面审查, 与房地产交易有关的风险, 以及最小化这些风险的最佳实践.